If you misspell the name of a local dish, you will be fined 1 crore! The country took a strange step to get rid of English

If you misspell the name of a local dish, you will be fined 1 crore!  The country took a strange step to get rid of English

Mahatma Gandhi had said- ‘A nation is dumb without a national language’. This is completely true and every citizen should be proud of their national language. In today’s time, English has become a global language, people go to different parts of the world and use it to communicate. But in many countries, priority is being given to English over their own language. Many countries are struggling with this problem but there are very few countries which are able to take steps against it. These days a similar step is being taken in Italy. English words can be banned here soon, but before that, planning is also going on to impose a strange fine on the common people.

Italy has decided to ban English from the country. (Representational photo: Canva)

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, Italian leaders are appealing to the citizens of their country to reduce the use of English language and use Italian language more. For this reason, there is a preparation to completely ban the use of English in the official dialogue of the country and many types of English words (English words banned in Italy) are also being banned.

italy banned english

Italy is in the process of banning English to take revenge from Britain in case of Brexit. (Representational photo: Canva)

Why is Italy banning English?
By banning English words like ‘deadline’, ‘briefing’, emphasis is being placed on the use of Italian words instead. Not only this, the use of the English word ‘dispenser’ has been banned and the Italian word “dispensatore di liquido igienizzante per le mani” has been asked to be used. According to the report, this is being done to take revenge from Britain in the matter of Brexit.

If the name of the dish is wrong then you will have to pay fine
Not only this, in view of the increasing influence of English, a rule is being made that if someone names the dish ‘bruschetta’ in English or British accent, then he will have to pay a fine of Rs 1 crore. This is an Italian dish which is pronounced in the local language – Bruschetta, but in English it is called Bruschetta. According to the report of Daily Star, out of 8 lakh words in Italian language, about 9 thousand words are being used in English. Since 2000, the use of English words in the Italian language has increased by 773 percent. Every year English words are banned from the French language. This time words like ‘deadline’, ‘hashtag’ are included, whereas last year the word ‘e-sports’ was banned.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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